Executive Director: Gerald Ng`ong`a
RAFIKI SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION was founded in 2005 as Community Based Organization whereby the team of founders was working for community as self-motivated volunteers. In the same year RAFIKI-SDO was registered under Tanzania NGO Act No.24 of 2002 with registration number 00NGO/00006336 to operate in Tanzania mainland. OVERALL GOAL OF RAFIKI-SDO: is to advocate for children's rights and Youth, marginalized, vulnerable groups rights. providing training as well as conducting research and capacity building on entrepreneurial skills and cross cutting issues such as justice, gender, HIV /AIDS, skilful parenting and Reproductive health education.
Rafiki - SDO Exists to Promote the rights of young people and other vulnerable groups in Tanzania through awareness raising, advocacy and services delivery to improve the quality of basic education, work to eliminate child labour, increase young people`s access to SRHS, strengthen youth livelihoods and continued organizational Strengthening for effective service delivery.
To have a community in which Children, Youths, Marginalized and vulnerable groups are empowered to realize their rights.